Renee's First Day back at work

Transcript of Connor & Dad's first day home alone!

0700: Renee nurses Kid Knapp

0715: First diaper change of the morning, Renee getting ready to leave

0730: Photo Op with Renee, and she’s out the door

0731: Connor starts “acting up” and doesn’t want bottle, but interested in nook

0745: He’s sound asleep—a little early for 9 o’clock nap, but he appears happy

0800: Getting a bunch of work done—this is going to be a piece of cake!

0805: Jumping into the shower in case he wakes up

0806: He’s awake!

0807: Finished with shower—and heading for the milk supply

0810: Changed wet diaper, maybe that’s why he woke up?

0811: Start feeding with 5 ounce bottle.

0840: Finished with bottle looks like he’s nodding off

0845: No chance he’s going to sleep yet, back to the milk supply for 3 more ounces—change diaper

0915: Okay finished 3 more ounces, up to 8 total, and he’s nodding off

0920: Looks like he’s sound asleep, pretty good timing!

0925: Screams from the nursery indicate an unhappy baby—change diaper

0935: It looks like he just wants me to hold him—happy baby

0936: Unhappy baby, sticking tongue out and making sucking noises with the back of his hand—back to the milk supply—change diaper

0940: Working on 3 more ounces

0955: Finished with 1 more ounce (9 total) and interested in laying on floor in loft—happy baby

1005: Dad thinks it’s a good opportunity for tummy time—unhappy baby

1040: Finally asleep for 9 o’clock nap.

1110: Connor is wide awake but entertaining himself in his crib

1125: Shows over, he wants more milk and finishes 2 ounces left in bottle (11 total)—change diaper

1247: Okay, he’s back in bed

1250: Remember lunch in microwave--reheat

1251: He’s awake again—full and dirty diaper!

1255: Not interested in going back to sleep

1301: Looks like he’s hungry—fill bottle with 3 more ounces

1305: Yelling at bottle—probably not hungry—maybe sleepy?

1320: Had to resort to swaddling—sound asleep, grab lunch from microwave, eat

1353: Awake again—escaped the swaddle, tying mobile and reinsert nook…

1354: Spit nook out but interested in mobile

1400: Songs over—baby crying, further investigation reveals pungent odor—change diaper

1405: Empty Diaper Genie

1407: He looks hungry—I still have about three ounces left in bottle, let’s give it a try

1429: Okay 3 more ounces down (14 total) and lounging with Dad in the loft

1445: Getting a little edgy, we’ll try to rock to sleep

1450: Not interested in rocking but likes mobile in bed

1451: Doesn’t like mobile anymore, so back in the loft in the Combi (like a bouncy chair)

1510: Getting a little fidgety in chair—occasional yawn—insert nook

1517: Eyes closed sucking continues

1522: Nook fell out and heavy breathing—this may be my breather—dad’s having a beer

1555: He’s awake, but quite happy

1610: Quickly made bed, cleaned up lunch dishes, brought in mail and poured second beer

1615: Connor looks like he wants to sleep—change diaper

1620: Tried rocking, no luck—he’s in bed now watching mobile

1634: Still awake, but interested in music and counting sheep

1640: Beginning to “act up” again, I’d like to hold off on feeding him so Renee can nurse when she gets home

1650: Nothing is working, even the swaddle, back to the milk case

1720: He just wolfed down 3 more ounces (17 total) and is still a little antsy

1725: One last swaddle-happy baby in the crib

1726: Unhappy baby evaded the swaddle again

1729: Renee returns just in the nick of time and Connor goes from crying to laughing and smiling when he sees her—aren’t moms the best!

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